Welcome to The Austin Museums Project Page. When I began this blog, I wasn’t sure what it was going to be about. I decided to allow myself to write about whatever interested me and what I thought might interest other people. After I hit 100,000 words I would look back and see what the patterns and best posts were and then, perhaps, narrow down future posts.
A few weeks into the project of writing a blog post every day I decided to come up with 100 museum ideas. It was a lot fun to do and I ended up with over 200 ideas. I wrote some posts on those ideas and every now and then I’ll add some more posts. As I do, I link to them from this page.
While these are not-yet-existing Austin museums, you can find similar fun stuff to do on my weird Austin, unique Austin, and Austin immersive lists.
Not Your Typical Museum
I use the term “museum” loosely. In fact, for many of the ideas it would be entirely reasonable for you to ask, “so.. what’s IN the museum?” And I would say, “I don’t know.”
Some of the ideas are how to engage people in a single high-concept space. Others are spaces created to draw attention to how people engage between each other or to create new playful forms of engagement between people. There’s also some that are more content-focused, though I believe ultimately it’s about the people, not “the stuff”.
The Experimental Austin Museums Posts
Here’s the small selection of Museum Ideas I’ve posted about so far. In case you missed the note above, these are proposed museums – you can not visit any of them. Yet. If you have stumbled upon this page looking for Austin museums you can visit, I recommend Museum of the Weird, The Austin Toy Museum, and The Museum of Natural & Artificial Ephemerata.