Today’s post on The Museum of Diet and Exercise Fads is my 200th post!
160,000 words!
I started this blog about a year and a half ago and have been able to consistently post at least twice a week (and write drafts most days). In the beginning I wasn’t sure what I was going to write about exactly or if I would run out of ideas but over time I think I’ve developed something fairly consistent and hopefully helpful.
My focus is not on great writing (or even proofreading, for that matter). It is getting the ideas out of my head, organized, and shared. Each post was made from just two sessions: one draft and one (at a later date) first and final revision.
I don’t think I’ll be running out of post ideas any time soon. My spreadsheet has over 600 unused ideas. (I also spend time brainstorming ideas).
In case you missed it, I started an Instagram account a couple months ago. It’s still in the figuring-it-out phase, but it is starting to take shape. See it at @IRL_Experience_Design.
One thing I don’t talk much about are the permanent pages on the site (as opposed to the posts). Here’s a few of those if you haven’t seen them:
I want to send a special note of appreciation to the 20 visitors I average every day: Thank you for being here. I know 99% of you are only interested in the post about putting a border around a WordPress image, but it’s nice to have at least some traffic. 🙂