The Eureka Room is a project that has been roughly ten years in the making. The people who have liked it the most have preferred to not be told anything about it ahead of time. So, in order to attract the best people to The Eureka Room I don’t say much about it on The Eureka Room website.
I will tell you a few things though.
The mission of The Eureka Room is to provide joyful and absurd experiences. The Eureka Room is purposely awkward and exciting and, if you’re lucky, there are strangers who are there for the same reasons you are. The strangers will make it more awkward and exciting. If you prefer to be serious and comfortable I don’t think you should visit The Eureka Room.
Over 1200 people have visited The Eureka Room. It is in my house in East Austin. I had plans to move it to a more public place in 2020 but the pandemic hit and being in a small room with strangers didn’t seem like so much fun anymore.
I’m still working on programs for it and it will see the light of day again.
Visit The Eureka Room website for hardly any details. Here’s some press that also offers few details. Search this blog for spoilers.