The Eureka Room is the size it is due to two main factors:
1) The size of the room that I had available to put it in.
2) The materials available to me.
Most materials come in 8 foot lengths. 2x4s, 4×8 plywood, 4×8 plexiglass. You can get bigger sizes but you pay way more than you do for standard sizes.
I feel lucky that the room allowed for 8’ tall walls. I didn’t have to cut any plexi or large sheets to make it fit. (Though it is a bit snug).
It could just be that it has grown on me, but I really like the height. The ceiling is clearly right there but you don’t notice it as being there so much when the programs are going. It’s not low like most houses can be. It’s not tall and raftery like lofts are.
A furniture making friend explained to me that tables and chairs are incredibly similar in their heights across manufacturers. In nearly every chair you are sitting the same distance from the ground, give or take a couple inches. It’s the same with tables.
Is this because we grew into them or because there are dimensions that humans are genetically predispositioned to feel more comfortable in? That’s what I wonder about the height of The Eureka Room.
I’m looking forward to the day when I can make different sizes and see what effect that has on visitors’ experiences. I’d love to make a really low ceiling, play with the angles of the walls and the seating and see what effect that has on the experiences.