Monday 6/6/22
Keith came over and finished the steps and the benches. Unfortunately the tape on the steps wasn’t set right so those will need touched up. And also unfortunately the boards of the benches were placed side by side before they dried so they all stuck together and the paint ripped off when they were pulled apart. These will have to be redone.
These benches are one of those cheap solutions that turned out to be very expensive.
Despite the painting issues (which might have been due to communication issues), we liked working with Keith and asked him to come back on Wednesday and help with some more stuff.
It’s only been a couple days but I can’t remember what all else happened on Monday. There’s been a lot of random tasks both Grant and I have been taking care of.
Tuesday 6/7/22
Mickey came over to work on the LEDs around 10am . I forgot some things at home so had to turn around and get them. We got one board covered in LEDs by mid-afternoon. The next one will go much faster, probably could be done in under two hours, easy.
The gas company came and turned the gas on. The water heater wasn’t up to code, so they didn’t turn that on. I might just go without. We’ll see.
Grant got the shimming done for the panels and a few other things. We were hoping to put the ceiling panels up today but Keith wasn’t available until late and Grant works early. We agreed to do it Wednesday morning. Co-ordinating people takes time and can cause delays as you wait for schedules to align. I’m glad I padded the schedule.
Wednesday 6/8/22
Keith came over around 10am and helped Grant get the ceiling and side panels up. Grant headed out around 2pm and I tried to take on the rewiring. The labeling system we made when we unhooked the wires made sense at the time to me, but was comically bad when I tried to use it to put it all together again. After a couple hours of struggle I texted Mickey that I was going to need him to help do it.
Grant took off around 2pm, the plastic screen showed up around 3pm. It’s huge. The screen in front will be over 50% bigger and the LED walls are 50% bigger. Standing in the half-finished space and picturing the last version it seemed so small to me. This new space is going to really wow people.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the sign in the front window. I could get a nice professional sign, but I don’t know how polished I want things. I need to keep the homemade feel (plus a sign that big is pricey). I think I’m going to print out a bunch of sheets from my printer and tape them together. I’ll see how that looks and then upgrade if I need to.
Due to scheduling conflicts, Mickey won’t be back until Friday and Grant not until Monday.