This weekend I didn’t go into The Eureka Room at all. Chelsea handled all the bookings and I worked at home on the bookkeeping and other tasks. I also spent some time with friends, which I hadn’t done on a weekend in months. It was weird to be social again.
Frustrated with my website’s ability to be updated, I hired someone on Upwork to transition it to Elementor. I also signed up for Xero to do my bookkeeping. Mainly because I want away from Intuit, but after looking at it for about an hour, decided to go back to Quickbooks. Xero did not appear to have a way to enter manual transactions in the register and that was a deal breaker. Plus learning another software right now is the last thing I need to be doing. You win again, Intuit.
Last week we had a record 85 visitors. Saturday was our best day ever. Chelsea quit one of her other jobs on Friday, so has more time and is looking for more work, so I am going to open up the schedule beyond the Thur-Sun that it’s been open now.
My email solution is pretty complicated and it’s getting more complicated. To do it over, I would use Google Workspace from the start. Instead I have domain emails at hover, but we use a gmail account to check them. Now I need to add yet another account and things are just too complex. Next company I’ll just use quickbooks and google workspace from the start.
One thing I did go cheap and am glad I did was the phone. Getting a Google Voice number and $100 SIM-less smartphone was a great idea.
I’m hoping to wrap up the work on TouchDesigner this week. The guy in Kyiv wants to wrap it up and he’s also been having electricity issues due to the increase of missile strikes in Kyiv.
I bought a few speakers so that we can have music in the waiting room. I was using the TV’s bluetooth speakers, but now that the TV is going to be part of the TD ecosystem, it’s trickier to stream music (as well as start/stop it. Instead, I’m making the “background” music in the waiting room and gift shop all be connected and use a separate app on the tablet.
This week the goals include:
- Getting the final TouchDesigner configuration ready and removing my Mac Book from the system.
- Getting quickbooks updated.
- Expanding hours.
- Getting the new version of the site pushed to production.