After over 250,000 words and consistently posting every Tuesday and Friday for over two years, I fell off the horse and haven’t posted in over a month.
After the huge amount of work and cost followed by great the disappointment that was SXSW and then getting covid, I was feeling really burned out. Additionally, business had slumped in Feb, then again in March, then again in April. Each month worse than the last. Having just signed the lease to go through September, I was not in a good mood. And definitely not feeling like doing much creative work.
I took at trip with some friends to Lafayette, Louisiana for Festival International. I think that is my favorite music festival of all time. This last weekend I spent a few days in Boulder-Denver. I think both those trips have helped get my focus back on track considerably.
One shining light in the mess that was the last two months was the growth of the IRL Experience Creators Group. We had 17 people at the last meeting and most people are really enjoying them. If we outgrow our space, we have an offer for a free space at the Baker School, courtesy of the Alamo Drafthouse. If you live in Austin and would like to join, I encourage you to email me at for more information. Currently it is invite-only.
What’s Next for the Eureka Room
Until recently, I have focused mainly on tourists. I’ve decided to aim more for locals. My hope is to get more word of mouth going. We often have the issue where there’s just two tourists who don’t know anyone and we can’t do the showings. Appealing to locals will hopefully get the locals to gather up friends and visit. So far, we have put out some posters and I’m planning on putting more lights on the building and also holding some more events like Free Night and The Stationary 5k, which was the most popular event I did for Big Weekend Calendars.
I plan on doing those things regardless, but I’m also hoping the weather getting hot again will send more people indoors and our way.