Absurdity is defined as “arousing amusement or derision; ridiculous”.
I find absurdity fascinating both because of its entertainment value and the curious psychological reactions that happen when we experience it. It stretches our reality instead of taking us completely out of it. It humors us. It surprises us. I love it.
It’s a sort of freedom from the rules but it has its own rules.
Or least those are some ways I might describe it.
Sadly, there is actually very little written on absurdity from a how-to or analysis standpoint.
For something that can elicit such strong emotions I would think there would be more studies of it. Or at least a few books. But I can’t find anything.
And the Science of Absurdity? Forget about it. Why it works, why it exists, what it does for us, to us, those questions don’t seem to have been asked at all.
If you know of any, please send them my way!