Well after all the hustle and expenses and hiring, SXSW is so far a big bust for us. Friday was our worst Friday in months, Saturday was terrible as well. Sunday just two showings. Monday we had about 20 people, but the rest of the week is looking dead. I thought last year’s deadness for SXSW was due to it being in my house. I’m realizing it’s probably not that. We’re really close to all the action, but looks like there is just too much competition for more SXSW-like activities. Plus we’re not free and there’s a lot of people looking to score free stuff.
I don’t know if more marketing would have made a difference. I had thought about doing an event, but that also might have gotten lost in all the posters and flyers and activities happening. Maybe we should have just shut down or rented the place out. That might have been more profitable.
We’ll see if the rest of the week picks up, but this terrible attendance really has me in a funk after all my effort and expense.